Falling Water Falls in Autumn - Ozarks

by William Rainey
Falling Water Falls in Autumn - Ozarks
William Rainey
Photograph - Photography
Had to get into the water and get wet, since the water was still down, of course, it makes you get creative and more aware of your surroundings. Using light, color, and angles to make the most of an otherwise plane photo.
January 25th, 2020
Comments (1)

Harriet Feagin
Arkansas was where I fell in love with photography. Haven't been back in a while and your photos make me what to head that way again. Nice capture of Falling Water Falls. The water is not always running in the Autumn so this scene is especially wonderful. Well done.
William Rainey replied:
It is an amazing area with lots of beautiful places to see for sure. Thank you for kind words.